Policies - Brows on Pointe
Both locations are independently owned and operated
Brows on Pointe Beauty Inc.
Talia in Mission
33795 Bowie Dr Mission BC
Brows on Pointe Beautique
Cherisse in Pitt Meadows
12889 Woolridge Rd Pitt Meadows
Accepted Methods of Payment :
Our preferred method of payment is Cash
We also accept E-transfer & Credit Card & Debit
All Services are plus 5% GST
Rescheduling Policies:
Brows on Pointe locations require a minimum of 48 hrs notice to reschedule booked services, changes to appointments made with less then 48 hours notice will result in loss of booking deposit/ and or rebooking fee.
(New Client Services $50 , Touch up services $25 fee will be due )
Not Sending a deposit does not count as canceling your session, Clients are responsible to cancel or reschedule their booked sessions with ample time.
We are a service based business reserving time especially for you.
If you do not show up to your planed appointment or cancel with only a few hours our technicians lose their income and time to see other clients.
please contact your technician directly to reschedule services Talia 604 345 5306 | Cherisse 604 831 2295
Transferring Deposits
Booking deposits may be transferred to another appointment at the same location with the same technician provided we have been given minimum 48 hours notice to reschedule your session.
If you cancel / reschedule with under 48 hours notice your deposit will NOT transfer over, and a new deposit will be due in order to schedule another session.
Banked Deposits can be applied to any appointment within one year of original booked service - After one years time your deposit is forfeited and you must send another deposit to secure your service date & time
No Show Policy
Failure to present for scheduled services with no communication (No Show) will result a rescheduling / Cancellation fee equal to booked service(s). This must be paid in full prior to booking another service. If you fail to show to two booked services within one year we will no longer be able to schedule at our studios.
Booking Deposits
Booking Deposits are due within 48 hours of making your appointment ( or other arrangements to be made)
Booking Deposits are non- refundable ( but transferable with a minimum of 48 hours notice.)
By sending your deposit you have agreed to our Policies
Please remember:
Your booking deposit sets aside time especially for you (usually 2.5hrs)
( we are self employed technicians who only schedule one client at a time in our studios -
deposits also cover administrative time, studio space & the tray set up -materials we will use and open setting up for your service)
If you come in for a service appointment and decide not to proceed/ Cannot proceed
( if you are unprepared , unsure of suggested style / technique or just don't feel comfortable proceeding ) your deposit will be forfeited and you will need to resend a new booking deposit if you decide to reschedule in the future. -
If you do not want to follow this policy you can also schedule a complementary consultation and schedule service at a later date- if you choose to proceed after consultation
Failure to Send Booking Deposit
If you DO NOT send your booking deposit within 48 hours we DO NOT automatically cancel your apt, as a courtesy we will notify / contact you prior to cancelling - if you do not plan on attending your scheduled apt please let us know, we respect your time please respect ours.
Pre-Operative & Post Operative Instructions
It is solely the clients responsibility to read over all provided pre & post operative instructions prior to booking service- and to contact your technician with questions prior to service date. IT IS IMPARATIVE YOU FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE BEST POSSIBLE RESULTS
If you present for your service and have not prepared properly- and we must rebook to another service date / time you will forfeit your deposit- NO EXCEPTIONS
This is for your health and safety. Please remember we are tattooing the middle of your forehead and want to ensure the best possible result Precare & Aftercare contributes to up to 80% of healed results
Reasonable Expectations
Cosmetic tattooing is a process and not an exact science ( its an art). We work with each client to achieve their best and most ideal result- but due to bone structure , your own facial A-symmetries, existing work and growth of natural hair 100% symmetry is impossible - each client has opportunity to review and approve shape & technique prior to the commencement of service.
Although it is sometimes referred to as semi-permanent, due to each individual’s reaction to pigment, the length of time pigment is present and visible in the skin cannot be guaranteed. In some cases, pigment will be permanent or not retain well. If you receive any skin treatments, laser hair removal, plastic surgery or other skin altering procedures, it may result in adverse changes to my permanent cosmetics.
Touch up & Follow up Session Fees
Permanent Make up & Microblading are often considered a Two part procedures- Clients are advised to return 6-8 weeks after initial visit for a perfecting session ($100 charge) to ensure work is well balanced , colour appropriate and is layered well for long term results - This MUST be done within 12 weeks of LAST treatment date or further charges will apply (Annual Refresh fee)
All subsequent touch-ups will be subject to all applicable fees.
Occasionally some clients may require a second perfecting touch up to achieve their ideal result- or require a perfecting touch up after an annual touch up session. Due to the nature of working in skin there are too many variables to be able to guarantee anyone's results. We always try to work with clients to ensure they have reasonable expectations please talk to your artist if you have questions.
We do not offer "FREE" touch ups in our clinics, the cost of service is simply too high to be able to offer free sessions in our studios.
Annual Touch up Fees
Fees are calculated from last date of service ( not when you booked your session)- It is solely the clients responsibility to book touch up for appropriate time frame- in the case of error booking fees will reflect actual time frame that has passed rather then appointment type booked.
If you require a perfecting touch up after your annual touch up for your ideal results you may schedule a perfecting touch up rate of $100 anytime within 4 months of last session.
Booking With Another Technician/ Location of Brows on Pointe
While Talia and Cherisse work under the similar Studio Names , they are DIFFERENT and SEPERATLY OWNED / OPERATED BUSINESSES , locations, legal entities and artists.
Therefore clients cannot book back and forth between them. you are strongly encouraged to stay with your original artist. Tattooing is art and individual it cannot be simply copied between technicians
If you would still like to switch over to the other artist/ location for annual touch ups. ( Not perfecting touch ups) you may do so as ONE TIME SWITCH - you will then become a client of record at your new location / artist and no longer be a client at other location.
A one time consultation fee of $50 will be charged in addition to regular touch up fees
(if switching to Talia from Cherisse there will also be an additional $75 one time fee ( due to fee difference in initial service pricing)
Please contact us first if you would like to switch technicians so we can make notes on your file- and share important information on previous services completed.
Previous work done by other locations, technicians
NOT Brows on Pointe
We are please to offer services to clients who have seen other artists for previous tattooing/ Microblading.
Please note these are not considered TOUCH UPS- touch ups are performed by an original artist using their same materials and techniques.
When you see someone new for the first time they are taking on liability & need to account for insurance, materials and overhead as well as training and expertise.
Often times working overtop of old work can be more difficult as there is often colour or shape corrections also required.
All new clients book in under CONSULTATION and SERVICE regardless of previous work done.
Each New client service includes consultation where we will identify changes that you would like to make to your existing work. When correcting previous work there are unknown factors like previous materials or techniques used.
Corrections may require additional or more frequent touch ups in order to cover old work. some corrections are not possible without removal first, and in some cases correction will not be possible- we suggest sending in photos of your current brows before coming in for service.
If you had seen a technician at brows on pointe- and then saw someone outside the company for a service ( touch up) you must book in under new client again and full fees will be due.
Clients with Pre-exsisting Medical Issues
or Requiring Physicians Clearance
Brows on Pointe requires letter / note clearing client for service prior to booking appointment if you have suffered from any major medical issues in the last 12 months
We request that any potential client first call or email to discuss their unique situation to confirm they are a candidate for services.
On occasion and per situation we will perform touch up on existing clients appointments for breast feeding women with a signed letter from their physician ( we must receive prior to making appointment) - clients must sign additional liability waivers and be fully aware of potential risks as outlined by their primary caregiver.